Wednesday, June 23, 2010

out of contact

My part of the Alibori has been without internet connection for over a makes work only slightly more difficult. Just approved the construction on the new WS house for the incoming PCVL. Sched. my Oral Assessment for the State Dept in the middle of Oct. Does anyone know if a warthog tusk is ivory? Watched the US Vs. Algeria world cup match today. A beninoise was making noise at the ajoining table. I told him the Beninese squirrels weren't playing and he said he was rooting for the 'African' team. I didn't think I had to explain to him that the US team had more players of 'his' african descent compared to the arabic algerian team.

Tuesday, June 8, 2010

Belated update

Hey everyone. The Alibori has been with out internet (24h/24h) since May 21st...lame. I just got my invite to go to the State Dept oral assessment...but I have to wait until the end of the month to schedule the interview date (when/where). If i don't have to do it in D.C., that would be great. I will have to get some clothes tho...basically 2 years in the African bush mandates that you get an entirely new wardrobe:) Getting excited to see everyone again, and finishing up my service strong!