Thursday, June 12, 2008


July 1: Leave Tampa International at 6AM for MIA. Leave MIA for Philly @ 8AM. Arrive Philly @ 12ish. 1PM registration w/ Peace Corps @ the Sheraton University City. 3 - 7PM Peace Corps training.

July 2: 8:30AM - 12 training continues...then lunch, then training form 1:30 - 6PM.

July 3: 7AM hotel check-out. 8AM Vaccinations. 1PM airport.

July 4: ????

July 5: 8:30 - 10AM PC policy. 10:15 - 12:30 PSL overview, S & S pre-test and helmet form handed out. 14:00 - 17:00 S & S pre-test and signed helmet forms collected. Language interviews, bike fittings and more vaccinations!! Notice the switch to 2400 time.

July 6: 10-10:30AM brunch @ community director's. Meeting ambassador and RSO for rest of day until 15:00 - 17:30 language class.

July 7: 8AM - 1700 project overview. 10:30 Zemidjan orientation and walking tour.

July 8: Same orientation as July 7 until 14:00 - 16:00, host family orientation. Vaccinations. 16:15 - 17:15 overview of Benin.

July 9: early morning, vehicle loading. 8 -11AM S & S incident reporting/responding and vaccinations. Depart for training sites. 15:00 meet host family.

July 10: 1st night processing. 10:30-12:30 visit local authorities. 15:00 - town exploration.

July 11: 8 - 10AM language. 10:30-12:30 technical orientation. 15:00 - 17:00 language.

July 12: 8 - 10AM language. 10:30 - 12:30 cross-culture orientation and pre-test. Time with hots family after lunch.


Ashley A. said...

Almost must be getting excited/anxious to go! I noticed in your itinerary that you won't be staying with your host family right away, so will you be at PC headquarters? And will your mailing address change when you leave your host family?

Mike Chadsey said...

My address will change but I will post the change on my blog when it happens :)