Sunday, December 14, 2008

So what is it, would you say, you do here...exactly

So I'm stuck in the south doing some trainings for another week and I'm trying to get to Park Penjari for x-mas, and the 2nd year volunteer who I am planning the bike ride in Jan has lost her phone in the capital of Niger. Suffice it to say, I'm a tad bit busy. PC has us schedualed from 7:30 to 5ish every day and I have to stay in Cotonou until the 23. Travel up north takes 13 that is another day...I have to do some planning with the other volunteer before i head for the is going to be tight. but most of the bike tour is planned out but its all those details that could come up to bite us if rushed. Everything is going well here in Benin. A very merry holiday season at 86 degrees and humid in the south. hope everyone has a great holiday and the Gators gain another crystal football for the mantle-piece

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