Wednesday, September 2, 2009


I am stuck in Cotonou for a couple weeks between now (as I do some banking stuff for PCVL) and when I have my mid-service medical exam (next week) and as I work weeks 8 and 9 of stage (starts the 13th ends the 26th). This means I am away from my post for a month and effectively eating through my living allowance. Every PCV eats their allowance, since we don't pay for houseing but only pay travel and food....but when you are down south the opportunity to buy things that are not rice and beans is just too much to bear. For instance, last night I went to a Thai was awesome. This afternoon I ate a ham, chicken, and cheese sandwich (I had to eat two since they were very thin)...also awesome. Of course this greater diversity of better foods in the big city comes at a cost. Back in my post I would spend 1500 CFA a day on food (rice, beans, pasta, or local cheese called wagashi), today I spent 1800 CFA on my lunch. This is why volunteers posted in the one big city in this country are paid 75% more than all the other volunteers. If you'll excuse me I am now going to spend the next two weeks eating spaghetti and omelet from the local cafeteria in order to save enough money to pay for my Thai food last night.


Author of this blog: Ariela Anelli said...

Yes, but Chadsey, the spaghetti and omelets there are quite good! I'll give Benin that, at least.

Give my man a man squeeze for me when you see him in Porto Novo.

R.A. McKibbin said...

Attention anyone who has mailed a package to our intrepid PCV in Benin:

how did you ship the items, and what service did you use, cause they seem quite expensive?
email me at with response.

PS The dried cranberries and french fried onions will get there no matter rain, sleet or snow!

PixieMcGuinness said...

well helllllo!

i'm sorry to have been MIA from the blog for so long, and finally got the web address again from Rach so i could catch up. It all sounds as exciting and memorable as ever. I'm sorry your thai food is so limited, as mine is endless right now (and cheap!) I'm in SE Asia till November, gorging on Fried rice, noodles, and Koaw Soi. Wish i could send you some, but it'd be fetid by the time it arived for sure!
Stay safe and healthy Michael, and get home soon!

xo. Rae
ps. what you are doing is truly amazing, and i remain, as always, very proud of you.

mother said...

Good Evening, Son! Hope all is well. I love you! Love, Mother oxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxo