Thursday, December 18, 2008

Hey Yovo, donne-moi a banana...

The EA volunteers went on a botanical gardens field trip so we could learn a little about park management...i guess. But guess what we saw....a roving band of monkeys. I think a group of monkeys is called a troop, and I don't know what kind of monkeys these were but I'll post pictures this weekend. One of the small ones was angry that we weren't giving him any food, so he ran round the tree limbs about us, shaking the branches. The bike ride plans are coming along. Getting final routes approved, med kits assembled, tee-shirts designed. I hope everything works out. I was put on the list to go to the Park Penjari for chirstmas with a bunch of TEFLers so that should be fun. It is soo weird over here for the holidays....even though people say FLA has no real seasons it does have the 'not soo hot time'. Not here. Can't wait to get out of the south and head back up north for that dry air. Go Gators...I have a steep bet riding on the game. And Kelli, tell me if you ever get the letter I sent in grandma's mailbox (it will be the one with Benin stamps)...i think i sent it over 3 weeks ago, so it should be getting close. Anyway, everyone stay tuned for monkey pix on my flickr site this weekend! I should be out of internet contact from the 23rd of December to the beginning of Feb...everyone will have to wait until then to find out how my bike tour fared and have to wait that long to find out how the Gators did!


Ashley A. said...

Can't wait to see the monkey pictures.. they sound like they will be quite entertaining!

mother said...

Good Evening, Sweetheart! Getting ready to head out to Colorado for the holiday season! I am looking forward to the monkey shots. Son, am I understanding you correctly, I won't hear from you until February? If so, have a very, Merry Christmas. Be safe in your travels, honey. You are in Mother's prayers. I love you!
P.S. Hi, Ashley! Hope all is well with you! Merry Christmas & Happy New Year!

PixieMcGuinness said...

Sorry it took me so long to jump on the bandwagon, but I've been reading of your adventures and am in awe of them and you. It makes me smile to know how happy your adventures are making you.
Merry Christmas M.


Mike Chadsey said...

hello darlin,
Hope the winter wonderland happening all over the east coast doesn't have you snowed-in. I caught a pirated copy of the Dark Knight movie (it released after I headed to Africa) and I kept thinking of you, cause of the rachel character. Stay safe over the hoiday and tell your mom I'll drop off a poinsettia the next x-mas I'm in town.

R.A. McKibbin said...

Merry Christmas, Mike! Don't feel too bad about the hot Christmas, it isn't much better here! God Bless you, and to all of you others on the blog, Merry Christmas. Candy, Rachel and Sterling, Merry Christmas snd Happy New Year!

James said...

You know what I miss more than anything? MOES!!

I bet you feel the same way.

Mike Chadsey said...

Jimmy, you are the one person I can think of that understands my pain at not being able to enjoy a tasty Taco Bell / Moes treat. Just 19 more months!!