Wednesday, February 18, 2009

Enviro-mental Education

Currently I am helping another northern EA volunteer with a mural project for the National Park W, as well as some enviro education with his local school environmental club. Later in the week I will also be helping a health volunteer hold some malnutrition formations. These formations would take secondary school students (high/middle school) and show them the importance of balanced nutrition and how they can easily eat better with the food available au village. I hope to have the same type of malnutrition formations in my village in March. The importance of getting the right amount or balance of vitamins and minerals is not really well known up here (I don't think) and if it is no one is following it! I hope everyone had a good Feb 14th and a spectacular day after. I did my laundry and went to bed early on my birthday...I think these are the first signs of being too old. Thanks to everyone who sent me birthday wishes! One Beninese birthday down, one to go...


R.A. McKibbin said...

So what do ya think you weigh now? Are you slimming like crazy? I can't imagine you are bulking up on either fat or muscle over there.

mother said...

Son, When you are through with the mural project, send us a picture! I would love to see it! Uncle Nick is taking Sterling to the Monster Truck Show at Raymond James Stadium tomorrow. He is pretty excited about it. How's the weather been this time of year? We are having another cold snap. It's very nice! A lot of attention to George Clooney down there in Sudan. Wednesday I will send off a package. Keep your eyes out for it! Take care, Michaelboy! Love you!