Here is an old picture of me (taken by Big E's far too attractive GF) since everyone is clamoring for one. Things are going slowly here and I am just writing up my aid proposal and finishing up budgets. Last night was rowdy at my post. Apparently the neighbor behind me had his house broken into and a couple bags of fertilizer went missing. This morning it all boiled over when the perpetrator was caught and another man, who was previously fingered for the crime, decided to go after someone with a machete. My porch served as one of the cool-down areas and I tried to look too busy to care. Stopped by the missionary's place last night for some mexican food...very , very good. On the subject of food: If anyone is sending a package between now and the end of October could you please send dried cranberries and french fried onions...we are assembling things for thanksgiving dinner, and with the mail status here we have to plan way ahead :)...(also, if anyone sends mint oreos they will be eaten) Still excited to head down and help out the new training class, but that isn't for a couple weeks still. Hope my sister has a great time starting law school (next week?) and has a good b-day...my brain is atrophying here in W. Africa.
Nice photo... who's the photographer? Looks like NatGeo quality. Keep up the good, hard, arduous, work. :) No really, congrats on your one year Benin anniversary!
Thank you, Michael! I started orientation last week and this week classes began. My brain is in a state of shock to say the least, but I am enjoying the experience for all its worth. Nick and I have a semi-arranged package in the works and we should be able to complete it (with cookies!, etc.) by early next week. I believe the median transit time has been 4-6 weeks.
We love you, Michael! Stay safe!
p.s. Do you have any friends among your community? Peace Corps friends or local ppl? Young kids in the town that follow you around?? Give us a post on your developing personal relationships.
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