Monday, May 11, 2009


I was selected as one of the new PCVLs for PC Benin. I am pretty excited to take over the reigns at my new post. In the meantime, I am also going to try and see if the Beninese Red Cross is up in the Alibori. The idea is to try and get skilled health officials to teach teachers basic first aid in case of an emergency. My new phone number can be found over there on the right hand info bar. Hope everyone had a good mothers day. I spent some time in the south helping fellow volunteers with some canvassing duties (collecting money for city trash collection) and an English club. For Ryan: I think the missionaries are baptist. Also, you should send your manuscript to multiple publishers to see if anyone will send you a hand written (or at least personalized) rejection...then work on them with the re-write.


mother said...

My Son, Congrats on your new title. I just got home and received my wonderful surprise in the mail.. Thank you so much! I Love it! Ya know, Son! You are not only brilliant but you are also brilliantly artistic and creative. Thank you so much! Love, Mother oxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxox

R.A. McKibbin said...

Thanks for the advice Mike, I do so love the "personalized" rejection letters. Congrats on the move up, but what is a PCVL, and why are you selected as the "New" one?