Thursday, July 2, 2009

Rain Storms

Here is a short clip of what the rains are like as they whip thru the Alibori. And another clip of the girls across my courtyard playing in the rain and collecting rainwater off the roof with basins to be used in the cooking/cleaning.


mother said...

The girls look like they are incredibly happy with the rain and seem to be dancing to the very beat of it! LOVE THAT! Happy Fourth Of July, my Son! There are many fireworks shining bright in the sky tonight! I give thanks that I am an American. I am very proud to be one nation, under God!
I love you! Love, Me oxoxoxoxoxox

Dad said...

We have had some similiar rain this year - comes down sideways. Looks like some tough living conditions.

Congatulations on your first year anniversary as a PCV!


R.A. McKibbin said...

Hey bud, prayin for you. Kids are kids, God only makes one kind: the kind that likes to play in the rain!