Sunday, September 21, 2008

Continue to improve...

I just finished my medications and tomorrow I will have a bunch of blood work done to make sure everything went well. I felt better in the past 2 days than the entire past 2 weeks. I felt bad that I left my computer at post when I can here and lost a great opportunity to upload bunches of pix. But I saw my buddy Jesse, the volunteer who I went for tech visit near Come, and he had a couple from that visit. The following pix were taken on Lake Aheme on Aug. 1st, the Beninese day of Independence.

This is me and a fellow EA member of my PST (pre-service training) named Tim. Tim is getting his masters in agro-forestry or something like that as he works in PC. I think he lived in Tanzania or someplace like that growing up and he got his undergrad at some Ivy school. Tim, Tom (the blond in the back), and I all went to Jesse's post for a couple days for tech visit (in an earlier blog posting)

Here is our host Jesse with his friend and french tutor who took us out on the lake. And below is a picture of Tom doing what Tom does with locals.

The next time I end up in Cotonou for an extended period of time I'll be able to upload all MY pix, maybe around mid-December at IST (In-Service Training). And finally, I found this in Jesse's pictures, so at least I know they do exist...

1 comment:

Ashley A. said...

Great pictures! Hope you'll be able to upload more soon. In the meantime, stay safe, healthy, and happy :)