Monday, September 15, 2008

One good thing about Cotonou...the mail!

I got some mail today from my mother! A letter and a package of cookies. I shared some cookies with the medical staff that spent their weekend coming into the office to take my blood and run tests to find out what has been trying to kill me (j/k). Looking forward to getting back to post so that I can actually START my work here. I really did not hae all that much time in the first week since thru most of it I was running a triple digit fever. I'll probably check this blog once more before 8AM EST before heading back to post. I'll be back online October 5th. See everybody then.


Anonymous said...

Mike, glad to hear you are doing ok. You better stay healthy out there. My dad said that when you get back, he is giving you some top-shelf stuff on the house. Stay healthy and keep in touch.

rchadsey said...

Sorry to hear that you are not feeling well, Michael - you were always prone to fevers. :( Make sure you are drinking plenty of water (without bugs or feces in it) and focus on getting better. You are in our thoughts and prayers and hopefully I will get to talk to you soon. I miss you! Be safe!!

R.A. McKibbin said...

Darn, no Malaria. That would have made a great story when you're 80!
"Back when I got malaria in West Africa in '08," says the creaky old grandpa to his wide eyed grand kids...

J/k Glad your well. Praying for ya, constantly.