Friday, September 19, 2008

'Duck and Cover...All Clear'

That is what I awoke to this morning as the PC office ran some safety drills. These drills are pretty normal in US gov posts in foreign nations after sticky events (ie. Yemen) occur.
Before I go on, I have good news and bad news. The good news is I'm still in Cotonou and will remain here for the next couple days. The bad news is that after taking medications for amoebas I still suffered from a slight fever and my liver enzyme lvls were raised, prompting the doctors here to place me on anti-malarial treatment. Just a clarification: This is a precautionary treatment...I have NOT tested positive for malaria in ANY of the many blood tests they have already done on me (and there will be more in the coming days). But a continued, cyclic fever with no other symptoms is suspicious and now that my body should be free of amoebas the doctors felt it best that I should just cleanse my body of any malarial parasites, just to be safe.
Since this is my first time out of country and my body is not used to all the various native microbes in addition to all the things (viral) common here but uncommon in the states so I figure I'm getting off easy right now.
The plan now is: Monday will be a re-evaluation day. If after this newest round of medications I am not right-as-rain (2 consecutive days w/out fever) then they will send my blood out to the CDC in Washington to test for things they cann't here, and they will contact the regional PC doctor (Dr. Savage, nice guy), and if he approves it I would be heading to Dakar for specialist treatment. While I would love to have another stamp on my government passport, I would much rather be rid of this strange malady and have the opportunity to go back to my post!
Since I really did not spend much time at post I haven't been able to convey in my blog much about the people or happenings there...but at least everyone is getting an inside look at PC medical doctrine:)


Anonymous said...

So sorry to hear you are still having a fever!!!How are you actually feeling?!?!?Do you have your own room in this clinic or are you just behind a curtain on a cot???Please let us know if there is anything you would like us to send you!!!!!!!!


mother said...

Michael, I hope you are feeling better soon. Please travel safely. You are in our thoughts and prayers. We love you.