Monday, November 10, 2008

Sitting on standby...

I was supposed to have a meeting today with top PB-Benin brass, but nothing materialized. I think the security head already had something planned for today out of the office and my APCD for EA had a family matter he had to take care of. The Bureau was very quiet today. It is not any skin off my back since whatever their decision may be, I'll probably have to hang out in the Bureau for another few days if not weeks while they arrange my relocation. Living in Cotonou is interesting. You are closer to all those comforts of home, but you have to pay. Living here is easily nearly twice the cost compared to living in village. Normally volunteers receive a per diem for being in Cotonou on business but I have not yet asked if my situation allows me the same courtesy. We'll see how the next few days goes and what type of schedule PC develops for my relocation before I start crying 'bankrupt' like Circuit City...luckily I had started saving at post for and eventual States-side visit for the next holiday I can eat in Cotonou! No need for anyone to spend your hard-earned American dollars calling me (unless you really want to hear my voice) because I'll keep this blog updated on any comings or goings here. Thanks for every one's support.


Anonymous said...

hey,sounds like you are going to stay....I guess thats good for you!!!So have you got your stuff from the village???Also do you have any idea where you may be relocated?????
Hope you find out soon!!Keep us updated.


Mike Chadsey said...

All my stuff is still located in my house au village. I don't know when I'll be able to go get it, but most likely when I go to move out. I have no idea where I might be moved to but chances are it would be a post way up north. I think the meeting with PC brass has been moved to Weds. because today is a holiday.